HE240B欧标H型钢HEB240*240*10*17 S355JR热轧H型钢屈服抗拉测试

    HE240B欧标H型钢HEB240*240*10*17 S355JR热轧H型钢屈服抗拉测试

  • 2023-04-04 17:24 370
  • 产品价格:4240.00 元/吨
  • 发货地址:上海 包装说明:不限
  • 产品数量:2000.00 吨产品规格:不限
  • 信息编号:260787881公司编号:23130757
  • 陈志晓 经理 微信 18250509585
  • 进入店铺 在线咨询 QQ咨询 在线询价



Shanghai Benyuan Supplier Management Co., Ltd

上海本源供应商管理有限公司上海本源供应链有限公司隶属上海铸然供应链(集团)有限公司。总部位于钢铁集散中心-上海,主营项目为外标型材是目前国内一家以外标型材为主并且能为客户提供一站式服务的钢材公司。本公司在山东临沂丶河南马鞍山丶山东莱芜丶广东乐从都设有办事处以及大型存储仓,室内仓储总面积30000㎡,库存常年达到5W余吨:我们公司是国内马钢,莱钢,日照等钢厂的一级代理商。并持有欧盟授权的CE认证以及CNAS认证 ASME认证。目前外贸出口主要以东南亚,越南和伊拉克为主,国内的长期合作伙伴有 中集集团来福士海洋工程,大金重工,玛顿重工等。 产品标准涉及欧标 ,美标,英标,澳标,德标,俄标,日标:产品品类有型钢,钢管,钢板,异型钢,钢轨,建筑钢材等:产品涵盖钢结构工程,核电工程,海洋工程,建筑材料工程,工程机械设备生产,冶金设备生产等等。

Shanghai Benyuan Supply Chain Co., Ltd. is subordinate to Shanghai Zhuran Supply Chain (Group) Co., Ltd。Shanghai Benyuan Supplier Management Co., Ltd. is headquartered in the steel distribution center - Shanghai. Its main project is foreign standard profiles. It is a domestic steel company that focuses on foreign standard profiles and can provide one-stop services for customers. The company has offices and large warehouses in Linyi, Shandong, Ma'anshan, Henan, Laiwu, Shandong, and Lecong, Guangdong. The total indoor storage area is 30000 m2, and the annual inventory reaches more than 5W tons. Our company is a first-class agent of domestic steel plants such as Maanshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Laiwu Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., and Rizhao Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. It also holds the CE certification authorized by the European Union and the CNAS certification and ASME certification. At present, the foreign trade exports are mainly from Southeast Asia, Vietnam and Iraq. The long-term domestic partners include CIMC Raffles Offshore Engineering, Daikin Heavy Industry, Marten Heavy Industry, etc. Product standards include European, American, British, Australian, German, Russian and Japanese standards: product categories include section steel, steel pipe, steel plate, profiled steel, rail and construction steel; products cover steel structure engineering, nuclear power engineering, marine engineering, building materials engineering, engineering machinery and equipment production, metallurgical equipment production, etc.



Steel Information

Around the trial production of automobile body and the rapid manufacturing of large panel dies, some new rapid prototyping methods have also emerged in recent years. At present, dieless multi-point molding, laser shock and electromagnetic molding technologies have been applied in production. They all show the advantages of reducing costs and improving efficiency. Under the correct guidance of the national industrial policy, the design and manufacturing capacity of stamping dies in China has reached a high level after decades of efforts. Many modern design and manufacturing technologies, including information engineering and virtual technology, have been applied in many die enterprises. Nevertheless, there is still a big gap between the design and manufacturing capacity of stamping die in China and the market demand and advanced level.




欢迎来到上海本源供应链管理有限公司网站,我公司位于历史文化悠久,近代城市文化底蕴深厚,历史古迹众多,有“东方巴黎”美称的上海市。 具体地址是上海上海市宝山区真陈路1000号1幢6楼D座549室,负责人是杜萍。
联系电话是86-021-66032926-, 主要经营外标钢铁、外标H型钢、外标型钢/角钢、外标槽钢/工字钢。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 1000 - 5000 万元。

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